Office: 1012 Budapest
Márvány utca 16.
Phone: (+36-1) 45-000-45 GPS: 47°29'44.268''N 19°1'37.632''E e-mail
  (+36-1) 45-000-43
consulting  ■  mechanical engineering

Gotth’Art Hotel


DISCIPLINES: Boiler-house, Chiller house, Cooling system, Firewater system, Gas supply, Heating system, Roof drainage system, Ventilation, Water supply and drainage,

BUILDING TYPES: Conference Centre, Hotel Building, Kitchen for catering

10360 m2 Hotel Building with 126 rooms. There are conference rooms and bar in the basement and kitchen with restaurant on the ground floor. The building is adjacent to the thermal spa nearby with a direct access for hotel guests in the basement.

All right reserved   |   © 2017 Lanterv Mérnöki Iroda Kft.  |  Phone: (+36-1) 45-000-45
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